St Michael & All Angels, Sutton

St Michael & All Angels was built in the 12th century as a chapel-of-ease to St Kyneburgha, Castor for the benefit of the villagers of Sutton and to serve the Peterborough Abbey Grange Farm and Manor in the village. The church was enlarged c1170 when the original South wall was removed, the two Norman arches erected and the South Aisle added. The Chantry Chapel (which now contains the Vestry and organ) added about 1225 was originally dedicated to St Giles, the patron saint of lepers and cripples. The Abbey Almoner, who was lord of the Manor, was responsible for their care. The piscina for the chantry altar is still in situ. Further rebuilding took place in the 15th Century, when the nave walls were raised, the three clerestory windows high up in the Nave were put in, and the roof replaced with a higher, flatter roof. In 2010 the church was re-ordered to double s a village hall, with a gallery under which are a kitchen and WC.
Service Information:
Join us at 9am on fourth Sunday of each Month for Holy Communion with refreshments afterwards.
For Baptism, Wedding and Funerals please contact the Parish Administrator: tel: 01733 380900 or email: